It's time for another #DepotUpdate!
We have raised $330,000! And if you've noticed, work has been happening around our downtown yard, which will be the future home of the Depot! We are making great progress and we thank everyone for their continued support! We still have $20,000 left to meet our Phase 1 goal, so please share our progress with family and friends! If you or someone you know has an outstanding pledge, please send in those funds. We are working with the moving company to reserve our moving date and will keep everyone updated as we get more info.
As we mentioned above, volunteers have begun repairing track to move the four passenger cars away from the future Depot site. This is the first major task to get the site prepared for the arrival of the Depot. We are so close and your support will help us bring the train into the station, literally!
As always, you can give directly to the cause by going to and clicking the 'PayPal - DONATE NOW' link in the top section of the page or follow the link below. You can also send a check to PO Box 683, Charles City, IA 50616 or you can stop by First Security Bank and make a direct deposit to the 'Save the Depot' fund. Thank you all for your amazing generosity! It's because of people like you that this effort has come so far! Thank you!
